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Text File | 1988-08-19 | 12.5 KB | 407 lines | [TEXT/????] |
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- OK Quit the editor, change the macro as specified
- Cancel Quit the editor, cancel any changes made
- Check Test macro for correctness (does nothing if no errors)
- New Delete all text
- Open Replace all text with text from a file on the disk
- Save As Save all text to a new text file on the disk
- Revert Go back to original text, as editor was entered
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- Key number A number that identifies the position of a key
- on the keyboard. Each key has its own number.
- Tick The smallest time interval the Macintosh measures.
- There are 60 ticks each second.
- Pixel The size of the smallest dot on the screen.
- On most screens, there are about 72 pixels
- per inch. All distances are measured in pixels.
- Relative Refers to where the "origin point" is, from which
- all measurements are made. For example, the origin
- point is often the top left corner of the frontmost
- window. All measurements are "relative to" the
- current origin point.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NAME Test macro Define the macro's name
- KEYS Option-T 17 Define key combo; key no. of "T" = 17
- Menu File, New Select "New" in the "File" menu.
- RelTopLeft Relative to top left of front window:
- Click 58, 51 (8) Click at 58,51 and hold for 8 "ticks"
- Shift Press shift key down, and hold down
- H 4 Type letter "H", with key no. = 4
- KeysOff Release Shift key (all modifier keys)
- e 14 Type letter "e", with key no. = 14
- l 37 ...
- l 37 ...
- o 31 ...
- . 47 Type a period, with key no. = 47
- Return 36 Press return key, with key no. = 36
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- <time delay> <command word> <parameters> \ *<comment>
- <time delay> = optional delay prior to the command, in ticks
- <command word> = what is to be done, e.g. "Click", "Move", etc.
- <parameters> = other items required, e.g. x and y coordinates
- \ = may be used to continue a command on next line
- * = begins a comment; all else on line is ignored
- The NAME and KEYS lines must be located first in the macro.
- Everything else, including comments, must be placed below,
- within the "body" of the macro.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Beep
- Beeps the speaker once.
- ........................................................................
- Char <ASCII value> <key# code>
- Types a single character, when given an
- ASCII value. The key number is optional.
- ........................................................................
- Click <y position>, <x position> (<click time>)
- Clicks the mouse at a point on the screen,
- relative to the current origin point.
- Coordinates are in pixels, and measured
- downwards and to the right. The click time
- is measured in ticks, or 60ths of a second.
- ........................................................................
- Command-Option-Shift
- (Any combination.) Causes one or more
- modifier keys to be "pressed" and held down.
- Any combination of the three may be specified.
- Must be "released" with a KeysOff command.
- ........................................................................
- DoAlert <#buttons>,<time>,<button1text>,<button2text>, \
- <vpos>,<hpos>, <vsize>,<hsize>, <vinset>,<hinset>, \
- <text of the alert box>
- Does an alert or message box. The "\" symbol
- allows a single line to be broken up into more
- than one. The values are the same as those
- entered when recording an alert box. Button
- text items should only be entered if buttons
- exist.
- ........................................................................
- Down <y position>, <x position>
- Presses the mouse button down at a point
- on the screen, relative to the current
- origin point. Coordinates are in pixels,
- and measured downwards and to the right.
- Must eventually be followed by an "Up",
- so the button will be released.
- ........................................................................
- FullSpeed
- Causes time delay values on following lines
- to be ignored, so the macro will play at the
- fastest speed possible. Opposite of a
- "RealTime" command.
- ........................................................................
- JumpMacro <key combination> <key# code>
- Jumps to a macro, given its key combination.
- Must include a key number code in this case.
- (Key name is not significant; any name may
- be used, such as "XX".)
- ........................................................................
- <key name> <key# code>
- A single key name on a line causes that key
- to be pressed. Some special key names
- allowed are Return, Enter, Tab, Backspace,
- Digit0, Digit1, ..., Digit9. (Note that
- a digit such as "9" can't be placed first
- on the line, because it will be mistaken
- for a time delay value.) The key number
- code is optional.
- ........................................................................
- Keys <key combination> <key# code>
- Defines the key combination of the macro,
- such as Command-Option-S. The key number
- is optional, but if not entered, you will
- be asked to press the key you mean when
- you exit from the editor.
- [When you change the key combination, it
- is simplest to ERASE the key number. You
- will then be asked to press the key when
- you click OK. This will automatically
- enter the new key number value.]
- ........................................................................
- KeysOff
- "Releases" any combination of Shift,
- Command and/or Option keys that is
- currently being "held down".
- ........................................................................
- Menu <menu name>, <item name>
- Selects an item from a menu, by name. For the
- apple menu use the word "Apple" as the menu name.
- For desk accessories, there must be a "+" in front of
- the item name. This symbolizes the hidden "null"
- character that begins desk accessory names.
- Note: the Menu command does not work for special,
- custom menus. Instead, menu selections will be
- recorded as simple mouse drags. For unusual cases
- such as heirarchical menus, experiment with the
- various recording options.
- ........................................................................
- Move <change in y>, <change in x>
- Moves the mouse from where it currently is.
- Coordinates are in pixels, and motion is
- measured downward and to the right.
- For example, "Move 3,-1" would move the mouse
- three pixels downward, and -1 to the right
- (meaning 1 to the left).
- ........................................................................
- MoveTo <y position>, <x position>
- Moves the mouse to a point on the screen,
- relative to the current origin point.
- Coordinates are in pixels, and measured
- downwards and to the right.
- ........................................................................
- Name <string>
- Defines the name of the macro, as seen in the
- main dialog box.
- ........................................................................
- Pause <hrs> : <mins> : <secs> : <ticks>
- Causes the macro to pause temporarily, for
- the time specified. Will be ignored unless
- a RealTime command has been given. All four
- numbers must be entered, even if 0.
- ........................................................................
- RealTime
- Causes time delay values in following lines
- to be recognized (otherwise they are ignored).
- Opposite of a "FullSpeed" command.
- ........................................................................
- RelBotLeft
- Sets the current "origin point" at the lower left
- corner of the frontmost window. All future Click,
- Down, Up and MoveTo commands will be measured
- from that point.
- ........................................................................
- RelBotRight
- Sets the current "origin point" at the lower right
- corner of the frontmost window. All future Click,
- Down, Up and MoveTo commands will be measured
- from that point.
- ........................................................................
- RelScreen
- Sets the current "origin point" at the upper left
- corner of the screen. All future Click, Down, Up
- and MoveTo commands will be measured from that point.
- ........................................................................
- RelTopLeft
- Sets the current "origin point" at the upper left
- corner of the frontmost window. All future Click,
- Down, Up and MoveTo commands will be measured
- from that point.
- ........................................................................
- RelTopRight
- Sets the current "origin point" at the upper right
- corner of the frontmost window. All future Click,
- Down, Up and MoveTo commands will be measured
- from that point.
- ........................................................................
- RelStart
- Sets the current "origin point" at the point
- the mouse was at when the macro started playing.
- All future Click, Down, Up and MoveTo commands
- will be measured from that point.
- ........................................................................
- SetStart
- Changes the "starting point" of the macro to the
- current mouse location. The starting point is
- normally where the mouse was when the macro
- began playing.
- ........................................................................
- <time delay> <any command>
- A number placed FIRST on any line is
- recognized as a time delay value in ticks,
- or 60ths of a second. The command on the
- line will be delayed for that amount of time.
- [Note: time delays will be ignored unless a
- RealTime command has been given earlier.]
- ........................................................................
- Type <string>
- Types any specified phrase. The phrase
- extends only up to the end of the line.
- Use additional Type commands to type
- more text.
- ........................................................................
- Up <y position>, <x position>
- Releases the mouse button at a point
- on the screen, relative to the current
- origin point. Coordinates are in pixels,
- and measured downwards and to the right.
- Always follows a "Down" command, so that
- the mouse button can be released.
- ........................................................................
- WaitClock <hr> : <min> : <sec> <am or pm>
- Causes the macro to stop playing until a
- certain time of day All three numbers
- must be entered, and "am" or "pm" is
- also required.
- ........................................................................
- WaitDate <year>:<month>:<day> : <hr>:<min>:<sec> <am or pm>
- Causes the macro to stop playing until a
- certain date and time All six numbers
- must be entered, and "am" or "pm" is
- also required. (Note: the macro will not
- survive if the computer is shut off during
- this period)
- ........................................................................
- WaitEvent <Return and/or Enter and/or AnyKey and/or Click>
- Causes the macro to stop playing until
- a certain event. Up to 4 words are allowed,
- including Return, Enter, AnyKey, and Click.
- No commas are used between the words.
- ........................................................................
- WaitPeriod <hrs> : <mins> : <secs> : <ticks>
- Causes the macro to stop playing until a
- certain time has passed. All four numbers
- must be entered, though the minimum
- resolution is one second.
- ........................................................................
- WindowPause
- Causes the macro to pause until a few cycles
- through the current program's "event loop".
- Often seen in macros that were recorded,
- in order to improve playback performance.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Command-H Help
- Command-T Check
- Command-X Cut
- Command-C Copy
- Command-V Paste
- Command-N New
- Command-O Open
- Command-A Save As
- Command-R Revert
- Command-. Cancel